
Stray Thoughts- A Gender Sensitive India?

  A Gender Sensitive India?                                      Molly Charles                India had a profile change; it has become gender sensitive as women fare better in the population ratio check. The Indian Government is happy with the findings of National Family Health Survey (2020), pleased its government initiatives are working, since most of its initiatives are based on providing knowledge or creating awareness on gender concerns it would mean gender is an issue of development and culture has nothing to do with it. This is in stark difference to gender insensitive practices that exists across India, which may also not be just culture, for it is not uncommon for the parents to see marriage as the best security blanket, they can offer to their girl child, at times even before she attains her marriageable age. The sad reality, the fear is real when considering violence against girls and women. Then how come NFHS survey portrayed a reality that proves India has had a pro